The Remarkable Benefits of Epipremnum

Epipremnum in a Terracotta Planter

Epipremnum, commonly known as golden pothos or devil’s ivy, is a popular Tropical Plant celebrated for its lush, trailing vines and ease of care. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, epipremnum offers a host of health and environmental benefits that make it a valuable addition to any home or office.

Low Maintenance and Resilience

Epipremnum is a low-maintenance plant, tolerating plenty of neglect and still looking as good as new when under a bit of stress. It doesn’t require high humidity levels to maintain its sheen and isn’t fussed about a missed watering or two. Along with being low-maintenance, Epipremnum is incredibly resilient to most pests and diseases.

Air Purifying Properties

Epipremnum is celebrated for its air purifying properties that can help create healthier indoor spaces. Studies have shown that epipremnum is effective at removing harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the air. These pollutants are common in areas like newly constructed buildings and can have negative health effects.

Stress Relief & Productivity Enhancement

Beyond air purification, studies have indicated that having epipremnum indoors can relieve stress and even enhance productivity. Seeing and interacting with epipremnum has been linked to lower levels of stress hormones like cortisol. The vibrant leaves, pleasant natural smells, and ability to care for the plant can have therapeutic effects and promote relaxation.

Easy to Cultivate

One of the starkest advantages of epipremnum is how easy it is to grow as a houseplant. Even beginner plant owners can successfully cultivate epipremnum. A highly adaptable plant, epipremnum tolerates a wide range of light levels, temperatures, and watering habits.

In conclusion, with its lush foliage, natural air purifying abilities, and ease of care as a houseplant, epipremnum offers many benefits well-suited for homes and offices. Its presence can enhance mental outlook, focus, and general wellbeing. Widespread cultivation also spotlights continued efforts protecting its native rainforest habitats.


Aureum Collective

