The Benefits of Neon Pothos

The Neon Pothos, scientifically known as Epipremnum aureum 'Neon', is a popular houseplant that is cherished by plant enthusiasts for its vibrant chartreuse neon leaves and easy-care nature. This article will explore the various benefits of this stunning tropical plant.

Low Maintenance

One of the most significant benefits of the Neon Pothos is its low maintenance nature. This plant is tolerant of neglect, making it great for almost any indoor condition. It doesn't require high humidity levels to maintain its sheen and isn't fussed about a missed watering or two. With appropriate light, water, soil, pruning, and occasional fertilizer, these plants require no additional input from you to look good.


Neon Pothos are incredibly resilient to most pests and diseases. They fall under the category of plants that are almost impossible to kill. Yellowing leaves or dropping leaves are common signs to watch out for, though, which typically emerge when environmental conditions are less than ideal.

Tolerance to Varying Light Conditions

Neon Pothos plants make the best of any lighting conditions they are given. Whether placed in a darker spot in your kitchen or glistening in the rays of some direct morning sun, these plants will continue to thrive. However, if you want your Pothos to grow bigger and last longer, bright indirect light is best.

Easy to Propagate

Propagating is a popular activity for houseplant parents, and the Neon Pothos makes it easy. Prune every plant one to two inches above a healthy leaf, and any leafless plants should be removed at the base.

Air Purifying

Neon Pothos plants are known to help improve air quality. They are often found in office environments where they tolerate fluorescent light. There is also evidence suggesting that cultivars in the Epipremnum aureum plant species help clean the air.

Aesthetic Appeal

The greatest draw of this tropical houseplant is its yellow-green leaves, which can get very large and, as the name suggests, have a neon-like glow. The bright variation is the biggest draw for many people who purchase neon pothos.

In conclusion, the Neon Pothos is a versatile, resilient, and beautiful houseplant that offers numerous benefits. Its low-maintenance nature, tolerance to varying light conditions, and air-purifying properties make it an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced plant owners.


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